How Playgrounds Help with Childhood Development
For the most part, playgrounds are all about fun. Kids love to have fun, of course, and parents love to watch their kids have fun. Few places allow kids to have safe fun quite as effectively as playgrounds, which is why they are so popular in schoolyards and neighborhoods all across the country. However, while fun might be the order of the day, playgrounds have developmental benefits as well. Kids won’t care about this part of the equation, but it can certainly make you feel good as a parent or guardian.
Overcoming Challenges
As young children, many kids have most of their challenges handled for them. Mom or dad will take care of any problems that come up in their first few years, and for good reason. However, as kids age, they need to learn how to handle problems on their own. Playgrounds are great for just that experience. Need to get to the top of the playground equipment? You are going to have to learn how to climb up the wall, or the ladder, or the rope. Whatever the case may be, solving problems and overcoming obstacles is something that can be learned on the playground – all under the guise of having fun.
Working Together
Many playgrounds include cooperative equipment, which is great for learning how to work together with others. Some children come by this skill rather naturally, while it takes others longer to learn how to play together in a group. Bringing kids together from various backgrounds in the playground will help to introduce them to the world in a whole new way.
Testing Their Limits
It is easy to be comfortable and play freely in a home environment where there is very little perceived danger. The world can be a little more intimidating on a playground, however, which is a good thing in many cases. For instance, getting on a swing and going back and forth might feel like quite the adventure to a young child. Once they realize that they can swing safely without getting hurt, the child may be ready to take on another physical challenge. A good playground offers an opportunity to kids to test their limits without being exposed to much in the way of real danger.
Bouncing Back
It is only natural for parents to want to protect their kids at every turn. That is largely the job of being a parent, so adults can’t be blamed for wanting what is best for their kids. At the same time, the real world is a tough place, and kids need to learn how to bounce back from a setback. When playing on the playground, it is possible that a scraped knee will be incurred or a bruise will develop after running into something harder than expected. Whatever the case, it can be healthy for kids to learn how to deal with these minor issues and then come back better for the experience. That isn’t to say that kids should be exposed to undue danger while playing, but dealing with minor issues is a great way to progress. A quality playground which has been built to modern standards should provide a place where play like this can occur without the presence of any serious health dangers.